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Our approach

A rigorous process for evaluating impact developed with independent experts you can trust

Oxford University Press works closely with teachers to develop the most impactful resources. Oxford Impact provides us with a way of demonstrating– in a structured and consistent way – that our products and services make a real difference.

Oxford Impact Framework

At the heart of Oxford Impact is the Oxford Impact Framework: a rigorous process for evaluating impact developed with the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), and supported by Oxford University Department of Education.

We are proud to have worked with these highly respected organisations to create a trustworthy and robust Framework, giving you reassurance around the integrity and consistency of how we evaluate and report on impact – or efficacy as it is sometimes known.

Oxford Impact studies

Using the Oxford Impact Framework, we carry out impact studies, which assess the change an OUP product or service has on the group of people it is intended to help or benefit. An impact study investigates changes that have taken place during the product’s use and the extent to which these changes can be attributed to that particular product.

Undertaking impact studies enables us to gain a deeper understanding of how our educational products and services support the outcomes that matter most. As we undertake more studies, we will continue to learn from what we do and further build on our skills and knowledge around evaluating impact.

“Impact studies show OUP’s commitment to understanding how their work makes a difference and allows them to modify their resources to further improve their impact.” Classroom Teacher, Cambodia, Asia

"Impact studies lead to improvement, plain and simple. As teaching professionals, we should study the impact on students of everything we do, and it's reassuring to know OUP do the same."

Maths Co-ordinator

"There are plenty of benefits. Of course, it benefits OUP in that it shows the wider teaching and learning community that they are committed in not only releasing new materials, but in also finding ways in which to improve them and thus better equip schools with approaches that work. Teachers gain a lot of valuable insight from studies like these, which can greatly impact on our own practices and reflect on how to implement changes that would improve our teaching.”

Classroom Teacher

“Impact studies help to inform and guide choice. At a time when time and money are short, it is useful to have research to call upon before key decisions are made.”

Teacher Training Officer

“The benefits of OUP undertaking impact studies includes the release of detailed reports on research, education, English language learning and also creating an atmosphere for better teaching and learning methodology in schools.”

Senior Leader
Nigeria, West Africa

“Benefits is that there is evidence that the products and services are useful / relevant. Schools don't generally like buying new resources but if it is shown that the new resource in question is worthwhile then they should be more likely to order it.”

Classroom Teacher


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Oxford Impact

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